PLTS Cilacap (1.13 MWp)

In order for PT. Sumber Segara Primadaya (S2P) to fulfill its environmental obligations, S2P is embarking on a new journey to Go Green!

As a start, S2P has partnered with DND for the installation of a solar power plant (PLTS) with a capacity of 1.13 MWp at PLTU Cilacap, Central Java. The power generated from the solar PV will be used for its internal consumption purposes.

DND started the construction and installation of the solar power plant in January 2023 and completed in May 2023, a total time of about 5 months.


Summary of the PLTS Cilacap (1.13 MWp) is as follows:

  • Total Solar PV Modules (550 Wp) = 2,055 pcs

  • Total Solar Inverters = 11 pcs

  • Estimated Annual Power Production = 1,371,294 kWh / year

  • Estimated Annual CO2 Emission Offset = 1,181 ton-CO2 / year

  • Estimated Equivalent of Trees Planted = 1,608 trees

  • Estimated Equivalent Homes Powered = 122 homes

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